Reflect. Refine. Act.

Bringing insight and action steps to business owners and professionals through assessment-based leadership programs and coaching.

Your reputation speaks volumes about your success as a business owner, job performance, and leadership effectiveness. Why? Because it's others who decide to do business with you, hire you, promote you, or let you go.

Are you aware of how others perceive you on a daily basis, especially in times of stress? Are you effectively influencing others as a leader, or fostering an entrepreneurial mindset within your team as a business owner? Many individuals strive for career success, yet lack self-awareness in their daily interactions and under pressure. Coaching can enhance career effectiveness and overall satisfaction by addressing these areas.

We believe in an
assessment-based approach to leadership coaching.

Who We Work With

As a mission-driven individual, you may be a non-profit leader, an entrepreneur, or a CEO.

The job title really doesn’t matter.

You want to invest in greater self-awareness, improved communication, enhanced relationships, and strengthened job performance for you and your team.

You’re passionate about learning and constantly curious about what’s next.

You take feedback as a source of information in your quest for continuous improvement.

Sound like you?

Services We Offer

Individual Coaching

Red Zinnia offers one-on-one coaching for leaders ready to assess their current impact, identify areas for growth, and implement an action plan for change. Assessments such as Hogan Leadership Forecast, EQI-2.0, Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP), and Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) are specialized grounding tools for our work depending on your goals.

Team Workshops

Are you seeking ways to invest in your team and foster improved stress tolerance, stronger interpersonal relationships, empathy, and collaborative decision-making? Understanding emotional intelligence and identifying constructive or destructive behaviors during conflicts can empower your team. By analyzing team reports, trends emerge, providing valuable insights into team effectiveness and relationship management. Workshops include one-to-one coaching sessions and assessments with the team's supervisor, ensuring a comprehensive approach. This data-driven foundation guides the identification of key goals, with the option for additional coaching sessions for ongoing support based on needs and budget.
EQ Leadership Assessments

Meet the founder

Tanya Zinn Jones, M.Ed., ACC, CMT

For over two decades, I dedicated myself to enhancing student outcomes within Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), a prominent district in Northern Virginia. Transitioning from teaching to leadership roles, I honed a passion for fostering organizational well-being and personalized development for educators and students alike. Inspired by thought leaders like Elena Aguilar, I explored whole-being coaching strategies to empower hard-working frontline educators.

Now, as an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC), I extend my expertise to corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking innovative approaches to their growth. I’m actively involved in fostering professional learning for fellow coaches through the International Coaching Federation DC Metro chapter. Additionally, I contribute to the Women in Business Committee of the Tysons Corner Tower Club, my local Rotary, and volunteer with Catch-a-Fire, an organization devoted to connecting non-profits with skilled volunteers.

Alongside Warren Jones, I co-own Keppler Speakers, the nation’s premier speaker agency. Interacting with influential figures across various fields is enriching, but it’s our dedicated and vibrant team that truly makes our work rewarding.

On any given weekend, you might find me at my local Neuhaus chocolate shop, at a favorite Virginia winery, or visiting family in Charlottesville. I’m an avid enthusiast of live performances, golf, and the beauty of Zinnias, while also embracing new hobbies like video gaming with my family. 

Client Testimonials

How We Work Together

Book a Consultation

During our initial 30-minute call, we’ll discuss where you are, where you want to be, and determine if we're a good match.

Make a Plan

After signing off on the scope and expectations of our engagement, we'll define the logistics of our partnership. We'll determine appropriate assessments, create an action plan, and outline a path forward together.

The Work Begins

Based on your needs and goals, we'll debrief assessment results, you'll determine a few, high priority goals, and we'll set up coaching sessions designed to support your priorities for action.